The 4 leading musical instrument manufacturers
Many of us have at one point played a musical instrument or attempted to play a musical instrument. If you are reading this, you are even probably thinking about purchasing a musical instrument. The question is do you know how to identify a musical instrument from a reputable brand?
In this article we are going to briefly highlight the 5 leading musical instrument manufacturers to help you make an informed decision if you are intending to purchase a piece of equipment.
Below are the top 4 musical instrument companies in the world.
1 Yamaha Corporation
The Yamaha Corporation is a renowned Japanese corporation with subsidiaries in multiple nations around the world. It was founded by Torakusu Yamaha and it has grown to become one of the largest manufacturing companies for a wide array of equipment in sports, electronics as well as music. When it comes to the latter, this company is considered as the largest manufacturer with its guitars, pianos, drums, violins, brass instruments, vibraphones, woodwindsand violas, receiving global acclaim for their good quality.
2 Gibson
Gibson is a renowned American based company that has built its reputation as one of the best manufacturers of guitars among a wide array of other instruments. It was founded in Nashville by Orville Gibson and it has gone on to house globally recognized brands namely Kramer,Steinberger,Epiphone, Maestro and Tobias. Their guitars are especially appreciated for their hollow and semi-hollowbodies.
3 Fender
Fender is a renowned American based company that has built a global reputation as one of the largest manufacturers of high quality stringed instruments. It was founded by Clarence Leonidas Fender and the company has grown to become a globally recognized brand for musical instruments such as violins, guitars, violins and mandolins, as well as other sound equipment such as public address systems and amplifiers.
4 Shure
Shure is a renowned American based company that has built a global reputation in the manufacture of high quality audio-electronics. It was founded by Sidney Shure and it has grown to become a powerhouse in the manufacturing of high quality mixers, microphones,phonograph cartridges, discussion systems and digital signal processors. The company also produces headphones, high-end earphones as well as personal monitor systems.
It’s worth mentioning that you will come across very many different music brands when you go into any music shop, whereas these are the top brands, all other musical instruments are likely to offer you good service. All you need to do is check out their reviews and consult people who have used them before so that you can make an informed decision.
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